Sir, you are being hunted

It is traditionally believed that in most shooters the main character is a hunter. A dominant creature that destroys any resistance on its path. However, recently, a new subspecies of shooters, similar to Dayz and S, has been gaining popularity.T.A.L.K.E.R … In these games, the hero is only part of the ecosystem, it easily turns from a hunter into a sacrifice. Dayz adds dramas thanks to the difficult relationship between players who can help you completely disinterestedly … or they can shoot in the back for the cans of stew. In short, Sir, You are Being Hunted about the same, only the stew is replaced by fragrant tea, and zombies and unfriendly players are real English robots. Sir, hunting goes to you.

Generator of the English hinterland

Canvas. Oil. XIX century. English dandies track a large beast. Carabiners are charged with buckshot, the greyhounds took the mark, Lord William tells young Jeffreis, from which side to enter. In Sir, You are Being Hunted, only a large beast is you, and hunters are metal robots, for some reason depicting English nobility. On the hunt, they smoke tubes, discuss the weather, drink tea and play with hounds, which, by the way, are also robotic.

As a result of an unsuccessful scientific experiment, you were abandoned on a small archipelago inhabited exclusively by robots. The purpose of the game is to find pieces of teleport, collect it and hide with an unfriendly planet.

[Bullet]] We so wanted to joke about the Baskerville dog in the swamps, but in this game it seems to be actually. Only mechanical.

The heart of the game is a map generator. At the beginning of each match, a new set of five islands is created in it. Unlike the usual generators from the series Worms or Diablo , Cards in Sir, You are Being Hunted are created as realistic and non -abstract as possible. A complete illusion of the English hinterland should arise. All roads lead to some specific objects, they are fenced with neat fences and hedges, and they form streets at home in villages. As the head of the development of Jim Rossignol admitted to us: “The most important thing is to create layers of details, to work out a location so that it seemed alive, actually existing. We are very pleased with the results of our work, I often stop in the game to admire the beauty and naturalness of the generated worlds ”.

The generator of the English hinterland collects fields, forests, hills and houses into a single system, spends roads between them, enclosing roads with hedges. The game also generates the names of settlements with the soul: for example, Twiddle Dangling In-The-Wold.


To survive on the archipelago, you need to know your enemy in the face. The most common enemy in the game is hunters. They love smoothbore guns and tea, stop to talk about the weather (which is usually vile), patrol the islands in search of the protagonist. If during walks they find a piece of teleport, several hunters will get off the patrol to guard it. Sometimes, especially at the end of the match, hunters go with a race. Robops see, hear and smell the hero at long distances, and then call the barking and pounced on it.

[Bullet]] When we asked the developers about how their game is different from Dayz, they answered directly: “Do they drink so much tea there?!"

Poaches are also walking around the islands, who with pleasure lure both a hero and hunters into their traps. It is not easy to track down poachers, they are hidden and disguised.

There are still squires. These venerable gentlemen are not interested in hunting. You can walk past them calmly, without fear of a generous portion of a fraction put in your ass – but it is worth seizing the house in their sight, and you will regret your indiscretion. They will have to steal from them one way or another – without looting and cleaning of dwellings guarded by squires, you risk staying with zero reserves of weapons and ammunition.

Finally, the most curious travelers will be able to find in the game of a swamp monster with its giant wriggling tentacles. With its help, the authors increase the degree of voltage near reservoirs – you will always be uncomfortable for lakes and swamps.

[[Bullet]] In addition to jokes, there are a lot of tea here. In the final of the session, the game will even calculate the exact number of mugs you drink. It seems that here they replace the first -aid kit.

As you could already guess, despite the fact that the inhabitants of the islands are primarily pose a danger to the protagonist, they are great lovers to fight with each other. For example, hunters belong to different clans (differ in clothing and behavioral manner) and, for any successful case, decide their centuries -old disagreements in shootings. The poachers do not care who will fall into their traps – whether a hero, hounds or hunters. If suddenly a squash is discovered by a squire, then the master of traps and Silkov can no longer avoid a bullet in the forehead.

Stay alive

To survive, we need supplies. At the beginning of the match you are unarmed, barefoot, hungry, and behind the belt only the right binoculars. First you need to look around, find the nearest village and look for food in it, a couple of boots and, if you are lucky, some weapon.

The hero will have two main parameters – health and strength. Forces fall over time, so periodically we must eat. You can only eat an apple with a tax (you won’t stretch it for a long time), but you’re a rabbit for a long time, but you first need to fry it somewhere. You can get binoculars, look around, find the nearest fire. If you are lucky, then the hunters have already left the parking lot and left you rabbits. If they are still there, then the sentries can be lured by throwing a stone or frightening the birds sitting in the bushes.

With active actions in Sir, you are being hunted, it is better not to delay. Yes, you can try to assemble the best weapon and mountain of cartridges, arrange a complex system of force, traps and holes for a bear before the fight, but opponents will not sit back. If at the beginning of the match they rest in nature, drink tea and fried rabbits, then during the game they begin to bother them to chase you, they become vigilant, find a more efficient weapon, call comrades from the whole map, arrange raids and drive you dogs. In addition, sooner or later they will find fragments of a teleport, so if you do not get ahead of them, you will have to fight for every detail.

[[Bullet]] According to the plan sir, you are being hunted – comedy. Humor, of course, English.

The engine creates an archipelago of five islands for each match, each with a unique style, each square kilometer. On some islands there will be mountains from which you can look around the whole island, on others – flowering rich villages, on the third – burned, abandoned villages. Before the match, you yourself can configure the initial data; According to Jim, for this you will have to "move a couple of sliders".

The developers also plan to add a multiplayer to the game, which, quoting the authors, “will work on the same principle as a single -user campaign, only in the struggle for the wreckage of a teleport will players, not a bot. Only one survivor will be able to leave the island, therefore, even if you help each other at first, the final of the match will always be dramatic ”.

The story of the game could have been completed on this if not one nuance. Experienced readers who have found the times of the Russian PC Gamer, or those who visit the Rock portal.Paper.Shotgun, perhaps, learned Jim Rossinol. This is a veteran of British game journalism, for ten years criticizing games. Now he had the opportunity to fall under the fire of colleague recruents himself. Jim does not lose heart: “Games are my life, I have been doing them for a long time, not only writing about them. As a teenager, I made an Alien Breed clone, then I indulged in mods for the first Half-Life. After I gave myself a word that I would not engage in a game for myself, without a budget and a clear working schedule. Only work, not hobby. One fine day they contacted me from the Channel 10 television channel, they offered to invest in the project. I decided – it's time ".

We will wait?

Action with the open world in the spirit of Dayz-in the English outback and with robots-hunters depicting the English nobility.

Percent of readiness: 80%

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